It’s cancer season, and according to my fav astrologer Chani Nicholas, a time to focus on care and nourishment.
As a recovering perfectionist and people-pleaser I have found focusing on practices that build intimacy with myself to be sooo essential. I’m not interested in the kind of self care that feels fancy, out of reach, or another stressful “to do” or requirement to be an “empowered spiritual person”....more so I am excited about the kind of simple, sustainable little practices that help us connect to ourselves and our bodies and feel a little more grounded in this crazy world.
I have also found that the more I build intimacy with myself in little ways, the easier it is to step away from situations that feel draining. The more loving and compassionate I am with myself in the process, the more I actually grow instead of trying to force myself to “improve” through self criticism, or punishment.
Of course, self intimacy is so unique to each person and it will be your own journey of figuring out what works for you and being super gentle with yourself in the process. But I wanted to share some things that have really worked for me in case it also lands for you.
Self touch/massage
I love beginning my day with a self oil massage. Because I live in a (currently) very dry and hot place, finding ways to bring moisture to my skin feels essential. Also oil massage provides me an opportunity to slow down and connect to my body through gentle touch, calming my nervous system. Oil massage can be really great for helping create a lubrication and buffer in the skin for folks who are super sensitive. I actually made a whole PDF on oil massage here.
Make time for a daily self check in
This could even be a few minutes to tune in with your body and ask - “how am I feeling right now?” Sometimes we can get so swept up in the tasks of the day or connecting with others we can forget to schedule a little time to just be with ourselves. One of my favorite ways to do a self check in is through journaling - making time to just get everything I’m thinking and feeling in my head out on paper. Journaling combined with a self oil massage is one of my favorite ways to begin the day.
For those who menstruate - track your fertility cycle!
Fertility is such potent route to self intimacy.
Through closely observing the patterns of my fertility, I have been able to track my shifting moods, desires, body signals and sensual rhythms, along with the phases of the moon and seasonal shifts.
Becoming so intimate with my fertility led to becoming intimate with my aliveness as a cyclical being – and with the raw power and potential and fecund beauty that fertility is. Fertility is not a clinical measurement – it is an embodiment of vitality and potential. It is the same energy that abides in the humming of bees and the sweet nectar of flowers. When we get to know this vital essence in ourselves we also step into deeper relationship with the cosmic dance.
Also, tracking your fertility is a route to DIY birth control and/or greater ease conceiving! Because you know your body, you’re not relying on doctors, pills, devices, or testing in order to make decisions on your pro-creating capacities.
If you’re interested in learning to track your fertility, while also learning a form of non - invasive, non hormonal contraception or intentional conception, I am offering a
Free masterclass on fertility awareness on July 1st, at 4 PM PST/ 7 PM EST!
Details and link to sign up is here.
Wishing you all the gentleness and compassion as you come closer to yourself.
With love,